From the Coordinator

Dear Students and Academic Staff,

Welcome to the
ERASMUS program at Bartın University!

The goal of the ERASMUS office at Bartn University is to offer administrative support, expert assistance, and guidance to both domestic and foreign students, scholars, and visitors on the educational and exchange programs, life, sports, culture, and many other extracurricular activities in Bartn.
The ERASMUS program is committed to offering our students, staff members, and visitors from abroad quality, precise, and swift advising services, consultancy, and organizational support. Our office assists new and departing students, faculty, and staff during the selection and mobility periods. The ERASMUS program office manages the process by which departing employees and students are chosen to study, teach, and get training or a traineeship at various universities or other types of institutions or organizations overseas.

I wish you success...

Prof. Dr. Mehmet ZAHMAKIRAN
General Coordinator of the International Office
Bartın University

Avrupa Komisyonu Dış İlişkiler GK Yönergesi Erasmus Koordinatörlüğü
T.C. AB Bakanlığı E+ Yönergesi Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ahmet YİRMİBEŞ
Yükseköğretim Kurulu E+ Usul ve Esaslar Erasmus Kurumsal Koordinatörü
Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı E+ Uygulama El Kitabı
Bartın Üniversitesi   Telefon: +90 378 223 5435/5437/5438
ISCED Kodları   Ofis E-posta:
E+ Öğrenci Beyannamesi